In a twist of fate, cocky pilot Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) becomes the first human selected for the Green Lantern Corps, an intergalactic faction that maintains order in the universe. Enter the Parallax, a malevolent alien entity, and it’s up to Jordan to stop it.
Why you might not excited about it:
For the general audience, this may be too geeky. It shouldn’t be, though. I think it appeals to everyone. But those who have never read the comics/aren’t interested in the characters may be indifferent.
The biggest strike against this film so far is the first trailer, which the studio rushed out and thus displayed sub-par visual effects that turned many people off. As I said, it was rushed out to begin the marketing campaign and the effects were nowhere close to being finished. Also, that first trailer showed so much of the story on Earth, and that didn’t make people happy, either. I don’t blame anyone for their reaction to it. With a movie that’s going to rely as much on visual effects as Green Lantern, the effects should be pristine. Plus, the large-scale sequences were not even ready to show, so it made the movie seem like it would lack substance. In reality, it was a poor marketing decision, and the studio hopes to put it behind them.
Blake Lively. She was okay in The Town, but she has not proven herself to be a good actress, in my opinion….and in the opinion of many others. But maybe this will be the one for her. Still, every trailer that was shown for this movie either showed her sparingly (and what parts were shown were not pretty) or didn’t feature her at all, as if to wiggle around having to show her involvement. Don’t get the wrong idea. I have nothing against Blake Lively. She just might not be one of the strengths of this movie.
Why you should be excited about it:
The 4-minute footage from WonderCon looked amazing to me.
Ryan Reynolds. He has never disappointed as a star. Even those who hated Blade: Trinity could agree that he was the highlight of it. In fact, that movie showcases every strength of Ryan Reynolds as an actor. His wit, his charm, and his immense physicality. Reynolds possesses the charisma for this role and I’m excited to see him display that.
The visuals effects are going to look great when they’re all done.
Martin Campbell is directing. For those who do not know, he’s responsible for successfully rebooting the James Bond franchise twice (first with GoldenEye, then again in 2006 with Casino Royale).
Check out the WonderCon footage, so far the best showcase of this film:
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