Sunday, September 23, 2012

HooperCast Episode 28: Breaking Bad, Movie News, and BS

Chombi Chibba Go!
Who can tell me what that's from? Because it's stuck in our heads.

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0:00 - Intro
0:40 - The gist of our technical difficulties
3:00 - Episode Intro
3:20 - Stuff We Saw: Kellan - Ruby Sparks, Sleepwalk With Me
                                   4:30 - Crescent Theater Kickstarter Update
                         7:30 - Dustin - Sunset Boulevard, Witness for the Presecution
                         8:24 - Conner - Kevin Smith's Red State, (10:57) Scent of a Woman
12:43 - Kellan's coworker will never appreciate "Rocket Man", starring Harlan Williams
13:36 - I can't resist any opportunity to let Dustin rail on Michael Bay's Ninja Turtles movie
14:25 - Texts About Movies
15:47 - Our "brief" talk about Breaking Bad. (32:20) brief derailment to discussion of animated shows          (35:30) Back to live-action television and Breaking Bad
42:15 - Hasbro wants money, so "Transformers 4" will have new robot characters featured, presumably to boost toy sales.
46:10 - We discuss current public awareness and popularity of Sonic the Hedgehog
50:30 - Melissa McCarthy will join "The Hangover: Part 3" Does this make you more or less likely to see it?
53:25 - Looney Toons being rebooted for live action by former SNL cast member Jenny Slate. Remember her? The one who said "fuck" on live television?
55:47 - New iOS 6's "Siri" is a film nerd, too. But it still won't have sex with you/Siri can't understand Batman
57:56 - BRAND RECOGNITION ALERT!! There will be a television prequel to Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho", starring Freddie Highmore and Vera Farmiga. Also being rebooted is Hannibal Lecter, The Munsters, and the Brady Bunch.
1:08:30 - Thanking the guests
1:09:30 - Future episode plans/Future of the HooperCast/Dustin's and my preferences for our characitures.
1:11;19 - Wrap-up
1:11:25 - I'm in need of a cool sign-off
1:12:28 - Weekly Alien Shoutout
1:15:40 - Goodbye
1:15:51 - Post-Show Notes
1:16:40 - Frog Bane

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